Baked Chicken and Zucchini Casserole

This low carb baked chicken and zucchini casserole is a delicious dish that is sure to please!


To make this casserole, you need some chicken breasts. I suggest using boneless and skinless chicken breasts


For the fresh produce, I just used some zucchini and tomato. If you have some yellow squash, slice it up and use it too!


I spiced it up with some garlic powder, salt, pepper, basil, and oregano.

For this recipe, I sliced chicken breasts thin, added seasoning, and then browned them up in a skillet.

Layer them out in your casserole dish.

Then, I sauteed the zucchini and tomatoes in the skillet.

After both are cooked up nicely, I added the veggies to the casserole dish!

Top it all with some mozzarella cheese and just bake it until golden brown.

A few other low-carb sides  will make this feel like a feast!

For more recipes,  visit Low Carb Yum!