Is there a difference between low-carb vs. keto? Is following a ketogenic diet and eating foods low in carbs the same thing? And is one eating plan better than the other? Here are the answers to all of your questions!

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Which Diet Is Better For You?
After years of being told dietary fat is bad, an ever-increasing number of people are now aware it isn’t harmful.
Growing research now show sources of carbohydrates—other than low-starch vegetables and low-sugar fruit—are responsible for many preventable chronic disease. This explains the surging popularity of the ketogenic diet.
The practice of eating ketogenic foods is approximately 100 years old. But, the original purpose of the diet was to treat neurological disorders such as epilepsy rather than losing body fat.
Over the years, it was discovered that keto diets have many other benefits too. Losing weight is just one of the advantages of strict carbohydrate restriction.

The Main Difference Between Keto and Low-Carb
The main difference between keto and low-carb diet is the macronutrients. When people follow the keto diet, they track how many grams of carbs, protein, and fat they eat so they stay in ketosis (more on that in a bit).
There are some people that slash carbs from their diet without being ketogenic (keto). This is the biggest difference when looking at low-carb vs keto.
But, how can this be?
Keto vs. Low-Carb: Ketosis
In order to follow a ketogenic diet, you need to be in a state of ketosis. This simply means that your body is burning fatty acids (ketones) for energy instead of carbohydrate stores (glycogen in the liver and glucose in the blood).
Now, it’s possible to have dangerously high levels of ketones in the blood. This is a condition known as ketoacidosis. However, unless you have type 1 diabetes, you shouldn't have to worry about ketoacidosis.
The levels of ketones produced can be varied depending on daily macros. And, the amount of carbohydrates consumed is one of the big differences when looking at low-carb vs keto.
When you have normal levels of ketones in your bloodstream, your brain and the rest of your body are fueled by stored body fat. But, the only way to know for sure if you’re in a state of ketosis is by confirming it through daily testing.
Ketosis Symptoms: How To Tell If You Are In Ketosis
There are blood, breath, and urine strips to help identify symptoms of being in ketosis. Some keto experts recommend testing breath over urine but, blood meters are the most accurate.
The reason many recommend breath testing is that the urine and blood strips can only be used only once, making them more expensive in the long run. A breath analyzer is reusable.
However, urine strips only represent the ketone levels that you pee out and anything you eliminate represents excess. Therefore, urine strips simply measure excess ketones whereas breathalyzers and blood meters show up-to-the-minute ketone levels.
Keep in mind that just because you reduce the amount of carbs you eat does not mean that you are now burning body fat for energy. In fact, you might be better off eating slightly more carbs than you are if you’re not in ketosis! This is particularly true when initially moving from high carb eating to low-carb.
If your body is still burning carbs for fuel rather than fat in the case of ketosis, and you drastically reduce the amount of carbs you eat, you can feel very lethargic. Some even get what's known as keto flu.

Low-Carb Eating Without Being In Ketosis
There's no need to be producing ketones to lose weight with low-carb. People who lower their daily intake to less than 150 grams a day have been successful in dropping pounds.
However, those who also reduce calories do better with a higher carb eating plan. That's because most of the carb intake should be from keto-friendly vegetables and fruits which are naturally low in calories.
Active people also tend to do better on a low-carb diet as fat is burned through exercise.
Need some examples of low-carb vs keto? I discuss different variations in ketosis in my guide on how to start a low-carb diet.
How To Eat Fewer Carbs
Say you used to eat several servings a day of high-starch and high-sugar carbs. We’re talking heaping bowls of pasta, rice or other grains; bread; anything with white or wheat flour; ice cream; pastries, etc.
But now, you’re only eating a couple of servings per day while following the low-carb diet tips. So now you’ve gone from eating 600 grams of carbs per day to only 150 grams.
The good news is that you’re consuming far less carbohydrates that spike your insulin levels and produce wild blood sugar fluctuations.
The bad news is two-fold.
- You still might be using your body’s supply of carbohydrates for energy. Unless you're definitely in a state of ketosis, you’re still not an efficient fat-burning machine.
- If you’re slashing carbs and not replacing those calories with mostly healthy dietary fat (avocados, fish oils, MCT oil, grass-fed butter, for example), you’re at risk for feeling run down.
Importance of Healthy Fats
If your body was used to being supplied with tons of carbs, it may seem like you're in starvation mode now.
But in time, even if you’re only eating 20 grams of net carbs a day, you will feel great and will burn fat. Of course, as long as you’re eating enough calories, primarily from dietary fat.
But, what about weight loss? Will being in ketosis result in losing pounds faster?
Low-Carb vs. Keto: Weight Loss
It’s possible to lose weight on both a low-carb diet and one of the ketogenic diets. But keep in mind that a ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet.
However, a carb restricted diet might not necessarily put you in ketosis. Which again, is why it’s important to monitor daily if your goal is to use your own body fat for energy.
If you’re simply eating low-carb but your goal is not to be in ketosis, you can still lose weight. This is especially true if most of the carbs you’re eating are vegetables. And, you’re exercising daily and your hormones are balanced.
Why It's Possible You Don't Lose Weight in Ketosis
As you can see, the differences between low-carb vs. keto has other factors besides the number of carbohydrates consumed.
If you are in a state of ketosis, it really is the best mechanism for weight loss. However, it is possible, theoretically, to be in ketosis but not lose weight.
For example, if your exercise routine involves weight lifting, you might weigh the same even after a couple of months of being in ketosis.
But one thing is for sure with ketosis: you will lose body fat.
As long as you remain in a state of ketosis, your body will be burning fatty acids for energy. So although your scale might read the same number after several days or weeks of being in ketosis, it’s likely your pants will fit much looser.
Other Weight Loss Benefits Of The Keto Diet
There are several studies that suggest ketogenic diets are highly beneficial for obesity. It seems that when looking at low carb vs. keto for weight loss, being in a state of ketosis is an added benefit of keto.
This study concludes a ketogenic diet offers “physiological and biochemical basis and is able to induce effective weight loss along with improvement in several cardiovascular risk parameters.”
In other words, a ketogenic diet isn’t only great for weight loss but it also protects your heart.

Protein and Gluconeogenesis While In Ketosis
Suddenly eating way less carbs? And now you're eating more protein to replace carbs? Well, if you have too much protein, the protein can convert into glucose (carbohydrate).
This process is called gluconeogenesis. If you're in ketosis, it means that the protein you eat is not being converted into glucose. Another win for the ketogenic diet compared to standard low-carb!
And it doesn't matter, just in case you're wondering if the protein is from healthy sources such as grass-fed beef. When you're eating too much protein, some of it may convert into carbohydrate.
Low Carb vs. Keto: Final Thoughts
When it comes to assessing low-carb vs. keto for overall health, both eating plans can be sensible. However, in terms of weight loss, or more specifically fat-loss, keto is more of a guarantee than low-carb.
And even if you're eating 100 net grams of carbs per day, that amount might actually shift you out of ketosis. For this reason, if you really want to get leaner, you may as well take the extra step and get into ketosis.
However, many do well on a standard low-carb eating plan where the majority of carbs come from vegetables and fruit.
So really, the best plan is the one that works the best for you.
Easy Low-Carb And Keto Diet Recipes
As you continue on your low-carb diet, here are some really easy recipes that will make it easier to cut out those carbs.
- Keto Instant Pot Lasagna only has 6 grams of net carbs per serving with a scrumptious sauce.
- Keto Butter Chicken tastes just like your favorite Indian food takeout - serve it on cauliflower rice.
- Low-Carb Stuffed Peppers taste amazing on Taco Tuesday.
- Salmon Loaf with Dill White Sauce has a fresh bright taste and is a very filling way to enjoy this healthy fish.
- Fried Cabbage and Sausage Recipe is a dish you can make on busy weeknights.
Follow us on FACEBOOK, PINTEREST, and INSTAGRAM for even more tasty keto-friendly recipes!
I’m into standard low-carb way of eating for over a year now. I started with high uric acid, high blood sugar, swollen legs, aches and pains in joints and back usually in mornings and other issues associated with a 53 year old body. These are all gone now. I’m just maintaining my ideal weight for my height and age by continuing not to eat high carb foods and fruits which are mostly high on sugar.
You mentioned a breath Ketone meter. Which one would you suggest?
Lisa MarcAurele
The ones I've used haven't been as reliable as a blood meter so I don't recommend using them.
Just made your garlic cauliflower mash and it is a miracle! I crave mashed potatoes and have never tasted a low carb substitute but this was so good, tasted so close to mash that I can now go easy. I could eat mashed potatoes at every meal; grew up on them, love them, crave them and these taste like them. I am so happy ????
Rodney Guske
How much protein is too much?
Lisa MarcAurele
It depends on your body size. One study shows that 1.6g of protein per kg of body weight per day (0.73g per pound) is the upper limit so you wouldn't want to go much, if any, beyond that.
Judy Davidson
This is all new to me. I am bariatric, so I have to cut all carbs from my diet and eat a lot of protein. What I do is eat protein first then all other foods after. But what happened to me is that I filled up on protein then I had no other room for the other food groups. I had malnutrition. So, I believe I can add Keto into my life. I going to read everything you know about Keto and follow your recipes. I like coconut flour not so much almond flour.
Lisa MarcAurele
With keto, you'll fill up on fat. Protein should be consumed in moderation. It does take some getting used to and it helps to track foods at first.
I have been using keto recipes for the last 4 month and have lost 6 kilo. I am happy with the weight that I am now but what would be a maintenace diet? I can add more calories but what about portions of carb and protein?
PS I have not followed any ones plan but have chosen recipes I liked (partly because some of the ingredients are not available here or too expensive ie lobster,crayfish)
Lisa MarcAurele
The maintenance plan depends on your age, weight, and sex. There are calculators that can give you a good estimate of the calories needed daily for weight maintenance. I find that eating less than 50-75 grams of total carbs works well for maintenance. I try not to eat too much fat as the calories seem to really impact me at my age so I follow more of a standard low-carb plan getting carbs mainly from veggies and fruit.
I’ve already lost the weight on keto and I’m on maintenance phase so I don’t have to be in ketosis now. But for my body to get into ketosis I have to eat less than 20 grams of carbs. So now I eat low carb. Usually less than 30 grams of carbs to maintain my weight loss. I don’t measure macros anymore. So I do take very good vitamins and Mct oil and full fat everything. I do eat a lot of Atkins bars cause I’m lazy about cooking and then eat a protein rich dinner. I eat a lot of avocados. I know I should probably cook more but I just don’t feel like it. I feel fine.
I need help with bread machine recipe for your yeast bread. Made it 2 times. Will not rise. Measured exactly but did not test the yeast . Any suggestions?
Lisa MarcAurele
Did you weigh each ingredient? The best results are when you use weight for ingredients as listed since volume measurements are not as accurate.
thanks for your great website.
i am so confused.
i was ketosis for 3 weeks and i have started eating carbs for 5 days.before that i guess 8 weeks ago i just started eating carbs when i was ketosis until 3 weeks ago. i feel so sick and i want to start a new diet for weight loss and helathy life and body.
i dont know which one is better for me.
i want to lose weight
would you please help me
Lisa MarcAurele
If keto or low-carb hasn't been working for you, I recommend trying WW, the new Weight Watchers. It's a great alternative for those who don't want to cut carbs (or can't).
Hi what do you mean about the weight watchers?
Lisa MarcAurele
I've been using WW points to help control my calories on low-carb.
I'm on weight watchers and love it. I tried keto and my cholesterol went through the roof. I lose my weight slow but that's ok. I have lost 40 pounds in a year my daughter is on keto and she lost that much in a couple of months.
Lisa MarcAurele
I find that low-carb is better for me as keto has too much fat. Calories and fat are more of an issue for me now than they were when I was younger.
Doreen Karnitz
Hi Lisa,
1st I want to thank you for all the amazing info and knowledge you share on your website and facebook pages! It also helps to know you are also dealing with your own health issues. I am finding the medical community is of little help with suggestions or knowledge for me. I am hoping for any insight you may have.
I was diagnosed with prediabetes about 11/2 years ago.I was diagnosed with osteopenia about 6 months ago,it had been 5 years since last bone density test.I have been on a low carb,high protein diet for over a year and have lost over 30 pounds.
Do you have any insight in eating too much protein and affects on body? I recently read a medical article online suggesting that too much protein in the diet actually draws calcium from the body/ bones. Have you ever heard of this? Does a full keto diet prevent something like this from happening? Is the keto diet hard on the kidneys,bones, or liver? Have you done any work with a dietician, or somebody that has working knowledge of the keto diet and the affects it has on autoimmune disorders, or have you had to learn everything the hard way over years for your own personal trial and error? I have a gut feeling that if anybody might have some insight into my questions it will be you. Also any reading materials you would suggest.
Lisa MarcAurele
Doreen. From what I've read, too much protein may not be good for you. That's one reason why keto is a moderate protein diet. I have heard something similar about protein and calcium, but I don't know the specifics. I've been working with a local chiropractor to help me figure out what works best in my low-carb eating plan.
Dorothy Donna Friesen
I follow the Wheat Belly way of eating, which is maximum 45 g carbs, but as I only eat 2 x a day, I max out at 30 carbs. I take VitD (5000iu), Vit. B Complex, a drop of iodine (kelp), magnesium water and 1200 IU of Omega 3 fish oil. I have no idea if I am in ketosis. Should I care?
Lisa MarcAurele
If you are doing standard low carb, it isn't necessary to test for ketosis.
Hi Lisa,
I'm a 74 yo male with PMR. I'm 6'1" and weighed about 160ish 5 weeks ago. I started KETO to try to eliminate the inflammation and get off steroids. I'm now down to 151 lbs and somewhat concerned because I didn't and don't want to lose weight. How can I safely put weight back on? Keto Richard says meat and fat. I can't just sit in the house and eat constantly. Any thoughts?
Lisa MarcAurele
You could calculate daily macros needed with goal of gaining weight.
OK, thank you. I hit 149 Saturday morning (about what I weighed in 1961) which spooked me. I immediately stopped the Keto and now have the goal of gaining back the weight I lost before I try anything else. I will study the macro thing at some point because I feel that there is an answer to the PMR condition (and other such maladies) besides drugs.
For those wanting to lose weight, Keto (20 grams carbs) will do it if you don't cheat.
James Schovajsa
My wife has lost 20 pounds on keto diet but not the "commercial" program. Friends have tried to help us on what to eat and not to eat. It is working but...we can't seem to find many good alternative recipes to sweet food. She started at 215 pounds and is 5 ft. 10 in. tall. Now weighs 195 after 9 weeks!! All we find is jello and sugar free popcicles. Please help with some good recipes for KETO SWEETS. I know, those 2 words don't look like they should go together. Thanks, James in Texas
Lisa MarcAurele
You'll find all my keto sweet recipes in the dessert category.
Jessica Thomas
This was Awesome to read! I started keto 3 weeks ago and I haven’t s en the scale change in a week so I started considering low carb. However I joined a boxing club Monday and after reading the article, I believe I building muscle and that’s why the scale hasn’t gone up or down because my clothes do fit better. Thank you. I will be sticking to keto. Btw I have been testing for a week and I’ve been in ketosis at 2.3-2.4 all week.
Shirley Phillips
I’m trying to do plant paradox, cutting out many of the things in your recipes, like nightshades, and grains, and other things that cause inflammation in me. It’s not always easy, but 40 pounds down, already.
Lisa MarcAurele
Avoiding inflammatory foods makes a big difference!
I’m willing to loose no more than 20 pounds. And I started Keto 3 days ago. I know I have stumble a little bit because one of the days I consumed about 45 grams of carbs. ¿Has this affected my effort of reaching ketosis state? ¿Am I still in Ketosis, and should I keep the diet?
Lisa MarcAurele
You can still lose weight on low carb without being in ketosis.
Wendy Bohulano
Thank you Lisa for this very informative article. I am a diet controlled diabetic, no meds (as of 2 years ago, yay) and have been on a keto diet for weight loss, approx 3 weeks, feeling awesome, not yet losing a whole lot of pounds, but seeing a difference in my clothes. I am a very demanding, creative cook and look forward to viewing your website for interesting recipes and articles to keep me enthusiastic about meal planning for myself in a keto style.
FYI - My knowledge has mostly come from Thomas DeLauer's YouTube videos and his podcasts.
Lisa MarcAurele
Thomas DeLauer is one of my faves on YouTube too.
Me too! Love the facts
I eat low carb but can't eat Keto. I have Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction and can't eat a high fat diet. Frustrating at times when you look for low carb recipes and EVERYTHING is Keto now. Glad you have good info and a mix of these recipes in here.
I've been on a low carb lifestyle since 2013 and by the end of 2014 I had lost 80 pounds. As of December 2019 I'm still down 75 pounds and feel like a new person. I've learned to cook low carb and now have a file drawer full of recipes (at least 200) that I've gotten from the Internet. I definitely do not feel deprived. Thank you for your receipes.
Hi there:
Can you share a few of your low carb recipes with me? I'm trying to lower blood pressure naturally, but at the same time, I don't want to do the typical DASH diet because , frankly, it has too many grains & carbs in it. The Keto diet has too much fat. & I got tired of the South Beach Diet (which did help me lose 20 pounds a few years ago, I have to admit).
Lisa MarcAurele
You can look at the macros for the recipes and either cut back on fat or choose ones with less fat and possibly more protein. It really depends on the low carb eating plan you wish to follow as there are several.
Vickie Mroski
I am afraid to go into ketosis because I have 3rd stage kidney disease and cardiac issues. I have had mini strokes as well and im 68yrs old.
Lisa MarcAurele
You may want to try a more standard low-carb eating plan. I just turned 50 and I've been combining low-carb with WW SmartPoints to make sure I'm not overeating.
My son started a keto diet, he works hard all day sometimes he uses a jackhammer to break concrete, he does twelve-hour shifts, at times with no food break, I am trying to cook keto food for the whole family, but all of a sudden my son has no energy, to work and is feeding flat, as he says.
Lisa MarcAurele
His work sounds very stressful which could be part of it. But there are a number of things it could be so it's best to talk to a medical professional to figure out why. A ketogenic diet should help improve energy.
. johnnie
sleep and water! a pinch of hymilayan salt in a glass of water for electrolytes.
Patricia Francis
Great explanation of Keto vs low-carb. Thank you.
Love watching your videos, just getting into cooking so the kitchen is not well set for all I see on some of the videos I watch. But I’m a serious Keto lifer. You have great recipes and I look forward to getting to try them in my kitchen. Thank you for all the work you put into helping humanity lose the weight and get healthy.
I love your site and your keto recipes. I always watch your youtube channel for new recipes
Lisa MarcAurele
Thanks for watching. I really appreciate your support!
I too love your site. Your keto recipes are the best! ....I've been on Keto for over a year now and have lost 100 pounds. I still have another 100 to go, but I'm still losing....... Another thing to look at is the influence that the sugar industry has had on today's high carb diets. When food went low-fat, they added extra sugar. The sugar industry has a lot of money and lobbyist tied up in the way Americans eat. They really don't want us to know that doing without sugar and eating more fat is the healthy way to go.
Lisa MarcAurele
The sugar industry does seem to have some power. But the no sugar movement is gaining momentum.
I’m interested in a low carb diet but not Keto. A diet that allows for pre- diabetic’s because diabetes runs in my family and I want to prevent it. I like your website.
Lisa MarcAurele
I've been watching carbs since diabetes runs in my family too. So far, I haven't shown any signs of type 2 diabetes like my mother and grandmother did later in life.
You can reverse T2D or pre diabetics by following the Keto lifestyle. I know, because I did it! No more insulin, metformin or glypizide for me.
Diane Smith
I love your site!! I don't know what I would do without it. Well, yes I do. I would go back to my usual high carb diet. I would go nuts not having desserts here and there. Just knowing that I can make something that will satisfy that urge makes me feel better.
Lisa MarcAurele
You're very welcome Diane! I'm so glad the recipes have been helpful for you! I still need my desserts too.
Mawunya okai
Great insight. Thanks for the education.
Valerie Rios
So, how many carbs and calories should be eaten each day? I 69 years old and work a sitting all day job. Very little activity.
Also, how do you check ketosis levels by blood and breath?
Lisa MarcAurele
Look for a breathalyzer or blood meter that tests ketone levels.
Linda NJ
Totally disagree!! I NOW eat a low carb diet (approximately 45-50 grams of carbs a day), which includes 1 slice of Ezekiel bread, 1 oz. cashews and veggies (non starchy) that have carbs.
I was on keto for 4 months and felt like CRAP. I ate 1500 cals a day, ate plenty of fat - kept it "clean keto" and could not for the life of me maintain enough energy to workout by the end of the day. It sucked. Yeah, I lost close to 70 lbs, but I felt lousy all the time (and yes, my electrolytes were fine; I took mag and potassium supplements, drank salted bone broth daily - I did it all).
Now that I'm eating lower carb, I feelt SO much better. I truly believe that keto is good for SHORT TERM ONLY, not for a lifetime. Our bodies NEED carbs. They supply different nutrients for our cells that our body needs.
I now eat a lower carb, moderate protein and moderate fat diet. I even eat whole wheat pasta (only 1/3 cup when I do eat it), I eat Ezekiel bread (1 slice) and on occassion, I eat potatoes (white) and even rice. I just keep the amounts around 10 grams of carbs. My breakfast is about 4 grams of carbs (its a protein shake and I put avacado in it as well). Lunch is 4 oz. protein, steamed veggies and/or a salad, slice of my bread with 1/2 tbsp. grass fed butter, snacks are 1.5 oz. nuts (1 oz. macadamian and 1/2 oz. cashews). Dinner has carbs from green veggies. And that's it. And I drink a protein shake once a day because I lift weights along with doing cardio. In that shake I put 1/2 tbsp. nut butter and mix the shake with water. Sometimes I'll add 1 to 2 oz. banana (yes, I weigh all of my food). And guess what?? I lose as much weight per week as if I was doing keto. I truly believe that eating a minimal amount of carbs per day makes a huge impact with weight loss. You don't have to go into full blown keto to lose weight.
Lisa MarcAurele
Keto is basically any eating plan that restricts carbs to < 50 grams a day so what you are calling low carb is actually keto. Some people just need more carbs depending on their activity level and metabolic rate.
Roger Ibarra
I like a number of your recipes. I am cooking for my wife who is overweight. Not going into details. Although I have her on a keto diet, I don't believe it is totally a keto diet. I can say that I am making her some keto recipes and low carb recipes. We were successful in having her lose weight twice, but she fought continuing. This time, she is on it no matter what, after a Dr visit. My wife was always a meat and potatoes girl, meaning she fights vegetables especially. But I am being successful in other ways to see that she eats her fruits and vegetables. Some of your recipes she will not eat. Me, I eat almost anything. So she is a challenge. I want to find or make through recipes foods that are close to what she was use to eating. I am making her tortillas for example. I found an acceptable recipe.
Lisa MarcAurele
It is tough when people are picky. My husband is the same way, but luckily he stays active and doesn't eat much. He's also a meat and potatoes guy. I make him plenty of meat but skip the potatoes. He won't even touch a faux potato dish.
I am on keto for a month I have lost around 10 kgs of body weight but what makes me worry is I had a blood test for lipids my total cholesterol is elevated to 244 ,ldl 166, triglycerides is gone Dow to 86 and Hdl gone up to56 is to a thing to worry or this is how it will be on keto is it healthy to have elevated cholesterol
Lisa MarcAurele
HDL is good cholesterol so I wouldn't worry about it. If the LDL went up, I'd be concerned.
Marylou Hopkins
I am a registered nurse health coach that works with a cardiologist in Northern Virginia and we have a health program that recommends Dr Westmans page 4 foods. Here is a link for a talk he gave that might help with the misconception about lipids.
Lisa your website is a highly recommended one for recipes great job!
Diana Gladen
Hi, I need some help. I am in my 60's, about 230 lbs, diabetic with too high A1C, high blood pressure. I have been on Keto for almost 3 months. I lost 15 lbs right away but then none and this week, gained back 3 lbs. I don't think I have been in Ketosis at all, at least not when I checked my urine. I have only cheated 3 times with some extra carbs but no sugar at all. What I'm really worried about is the fats I'm consuming. Whenever I dieted before, it's always been low fat and now I am eating a lot full fat butter, heavy cream, full fat cheese, fattier cuts of meat etc. My question is since I'm not in Ketosis, but am on low carb should I also do low fat? I am really worried about the saturated fats. Thanks for any help you can give me
Lisa MarcAurele
Rather than worry only about fats, you might want to watch calories as well. As we age, we need fewer and fewer calories each day. Because of this, I don't eat as much fat as recommended on keto because it's so calorie dense. The thing is that if you consume too much fat, your body might use it instead of the fat stores already in your body. I recommend using a keto diet app to keep track of all macros and see how adjustments affect your weight loss. Good luck!
I have lost 130 pounds following a low carb diet
Lisa MarcAurele
That's amazing! Congrats on your success!
that's exactly how much I want to lose. Just started, down 13 lbs in 2 weeks
maria fischer
Thank you for this information . After reading this I am now confident I am doing the right thing, I have been eating by the Keto diet for 9 months now and can see and feel the benefits. Although I am a wine drinker ( which I WILL NOT give up ) I have lost 8kg in this time. I feel I am on the right track and can only recommend this way of life .
Leshandra Armour
Hello I need some advice I have researched so much about the Keto diet before I started but was not aware of the Keto rash until I am not suffering from it for over a month now and I have tried all kind of herbs and been to the dr twice so I am spending way too much money so this morning I found your article and I am thinking about doing low carb because this Keto rash is consuming me. I do take a probiotic now, liver herbs with enzymes, omega 3s, and tuneric because all these things were suggested to help with the Keto rash. So I currently intake 20 net carbs now since February 4 and no cheats days at all I have lost a ton of inches. A lot of NSV but my question is if I decide to move to low carb versus Keto if I up my grams to 50 net carbs versus 20 net carbs would that still be considered Keto diet? I do enjoy the Keto diet I just hate suffering from this Keto rash.
Lisa MarcAurele
Up to 50 net carbs can be keto if you maintain ketosis. Were you able to determine if your keto rash was triggered by a certain food?
Thank you for your time in writing about the differences between keto vs low carb
After doing a lot of research, my wife and I have decided to practice a low carb diet instead of keto. Keto is too restrictive, and excludes too many food items that are are essential to long term health. I'm in good shape, she can lose 20-30 lbs. With a low carb diet and exercise, she's already lost 6lbs in the first two weeks. I think keto may be good for people who need to lose 40 lbs fast. It's not necessary for people who are in relative good health and know how to lose weight by conventional methods - low carb, HIIT workouts, slight caloric deficiency. Other than the fast results, I don't see unique benefits of keto diet.
Lisa MarcAurele
I think a lot of people are doing low carb and calling it keto. Unless they are tracking their macros daily, they may just be losing weight with a standard low carb diet.
I am researching everything I can find and at the same time, have cut as many carbs as I can until I can figure it all out; back-tracking from the decision to do keto. The first few days of doing this, I DID increase the fat, going so far as the bulletproof coffee and using even more butter on my food, etc. Monitoring blood sugar and now, ketone strips, I saw no reduction in blood sugar and no burning of ketones as I kept expecting. It DID seem counterintuitive to ingest fat for my body to burn when I have WAY more fat to burn already stored! So, what I'm thinking (and what do I know?) is this... wouldn't the stored fat be considered in the "macros" balance until a person achieved a more normal weight, and therefore, eliminate the need for all that extra dietary fat to be added? So, though it appears to be different than what we call a low carb diet, it would essentially e one in the same? IDK...still trying to to figure it all out!
Lisa MarcAurele
It's odd that you saw no reduction in blood sugar after cutting carbs. Is there a possibility that you're eating something that may not be as low carb as you think? My mother is a diabetic and her blood sugar is always lower when she stays away from carbohydrates.
Dr Micheal J Miller MLT, DC, FIAMA
Hi Marcy, Were you tracking your diet during the time you speak of? Usually, I teach my students, they need to be sure the stay lower than 10% total carb calories, but also you need to know your BMR. AskmeDrMike . Dr. Mike
I have been following a very strict keto diet for 16 months- <20grC, 180g F, <40gr P. No cheating. At inception my HBAc1=4.8%. After 16 months: super strong Dawn effect no matter what I do. My FBG still always around 5-5.7 mmol/l, FBK have been lower and lower as time passes by usually 0.5-1mmol/l ( 9 months ago FBG was slightly higher 1.-2mmol/l). If one night I do not sleep well- like recently my FBG was 7.3mmol/l ! Neoglucogenesis! I have not gotten leaner- actually I am staying in status quo. I could get leaner I am a bit chubby. Whether I had insulin resistance prior I do not know, did not test, but possibly. Whether I have developed "physiological IR/glucose sparing" that could be. I feel really fine, but my FBG is still very very volatile with respect with other people's experience. The lack of fat reduction is also a symptom that is curious. As a child around age 9-11 I became spontaneously/accidentally ketotic for 2.5 years. I was actually not feeling well at all breath, dizziness, etc. had to test ketones- was loosing a lot of weight. The pediatrician called this "acetone" and required that I eat a diet with as low as possible fat and more carbs- after two years my body seemed to get back to usual diet. I remained under this impression all my life that I should not indulge in fat. I do not like that I do not understand what is happening and why my FBG is rather elevated in the morning, and always around 4.5 or lower in the evening. I have histamine issues and leaky gut, and obviously cortisol related issues, but would this explain it all?
Lisa MarcAurele
I've read that things eaten the night before can impact morning FBG, especially if a lot of protein is eaten. The Dawn Phenomenon does sound common, though, with people who have diabetes.
I agree Lisa. I have seen countless times where people say you don’t have to be in ketosis to he onnthe keto diet. Well that is true, but if your not in ketosis and you are doing the keto can’t be tracking macros or doing it correctly or you will be in ketosis. May will be a year that I started keto, however I stopped tracking on my 4th month and got out of ketosis. I didn’t feel near as good as I did while in ketosis and I do have autoimmune issues which did come back with a vengeance. I only did one thing differently. I started drinking my drug of choice again. Hi sugar Mountain Dew. It brought me out of ketosis and brought back inflammation. Now I’m back strict keto and enjoying my skin again.
Lisa MarcAurele
Thanks for sharing your story Kim!
I have Diabetes Type 1 and am considered obese. I have been on ketogenic diet for 20 months and have lost 19 inches but no weight! My body fat is 38%. I've adjusted the macros 4 times now and can't seem to lose any weight. What should I be doing?
Lisa MarcAurele
If you are losing inches, that's a big success. It's not always reflected on the scale so I'd say continue checking measurements and if they don't budge, I'd seek advice from a medical professional. Personally, I find a functional medicine doctor to better than conventional ones for this kind of help.
Great information thank you. I really enjoy all your recipes and advice
Lisa MarcAurele
Thanks so much for following!
Brad Kekst
Great article! If I understood correctly the article considers a low carb diet to be about 100 grams of carbs/day, is that correct? If so then I would like to understand the differences between a keto diet and a 30-40 grams/day low carb diet with medium amount of protein?
Lisa MarcAurele
Any diet with carbs at 100 grams or less per day are considered low carb. On the other hand, the keto diet is more restrictive on carbs (often less than 30 grams a day) and tends to keep the macros at 5-10% carbs, 15-30% protein, and 60-70% fat per day.
Is it detrimental to your health to eat all the high fat Keto food but not be in ketosis? I do well for a few days then have a carb meal and then try again....I just wonder if I'm doing more damage than good?
Lisa MarcAurele
It depends on the fat and carbs that you are eating. Eating healthy fats (olive oil, avocado) and nutrient dense carbs (primarily vegetables) shouldn't be detrimental at all.
Can you name any other healthy fats other that olives and Avocados? I hate so many foods and find it almost impossible to implement this diet
Lisa MarcAurele
There's healthy fats in lots of foods. You can get lot in salmon, nuts, eggs, chia seeds, and even dark chocolate.
Put MCT oil in your coffee, tea, smoothies, salads.
Adriana Richmond
I follow a keto diet and it helped me to reduce my risk of diabetes. My doctor told me I was prediabetic and suggested keto and within 6 weeks my tests showed an remarkable improvement.
I have followed the Ket o diet since February of 2018 and I have lost 58 pounds by doing intermittent fasting. I eat one meal a day and the health benefits have been amazing. I no longer take blood pressure medication and do not crave carbs or sugar. I have followed Dr. Eric Berg on YouTube and learned so much about ketosis. I have searched for recipes and found your site and I like the food you prepare. Thanks for the low carb recipes
You’re welcome Marilyn. Congrats on your weight loss success!
Note that the Seven Country Study was actually a 20+ country study but the study's authors omitted the countries with data that didn't match their opinion that heart disease and fat intake were correlated. What WAS correlated with heart disease in every single country? Sugar intake.
Great point! That just shows even more how bad the data was manipulated.
Yvonne Davison
The sad part of most studies is that is exactly how they sway the evidence towards the outcome that is wanted, including if it is a new drug for sale or what we should be eating.
Lisa MarcAurele
Unfortunately, the 7 countries study is one of the worst that did that.
I started about 6 weeks ago and have lost 22 lbs. I did it for multiple reasons though. For years I would feel overwhelming sleepy after lunch and dinner, no matter what I did. I had digestion issues daily. Not be able to lose weight no matter what I did (more exercise, more sleep, more water, more veggie/fruit) etc. I couldn't keep to a 1200 calorie diet without killing everyone around me because of being so hangry. My body would just store anything I ate and go into starvation mode. I thought, I'll try it for two weeks and see. I don't get sleepy after lunch, I get home and have energy to do stuff in the evenings, I'm losing weight, I feel more peppy (for lack of a better word), I easily keep to a 1200 calories, often going lower without feeling hungry, feel full after meals, and I don't feel restricted. I keep things simple and use veggies that I hadn't before. I did it for a dietary lifestyle change and not to lose the weight. I understand now that while I wasn't diabetic before, maybe my body reacted to glucose like I was and maybe there was a celiac issue too. I just know that the feeling is so different. Not everyone is the same though and what works for others didn't work for me. I wish it did, but it didn't.
Thanks for sharing your experience Rebecca. Congrats on the weight loss. You're off to a great start.
Rebecca, I am not clear on what you started to lose weight? a low carb diet or a Keto diet? Please clarify for me. Thank you
1200 calories is way too low.
Artur Seredziuk
"The answer: in order to follow a ketogenic diet, you need to be in a state of ketosis. This simply means that your body is burning fatty acids (ketones) for energy instead of carbohydrate stores (glycogen in the liver and glucose in the blood)."
b-oxydation of fatty acids doesnt mean ketosis. Ketosis is state where your liver is producing ketone bodies not ketones. Ketones are not ketone bodies as fructose is ketone. There is a lot of misunderstanding along low carb and ketogenic state. On low carb most of the time you are not in state of ketosis but jus in state of increased b-oxydation of fatty acids. Kind Regards.
Great info. Thanks for sharing.
There's a lot of confusing with Low carb dieting. I did strict keto for 6 weeks back in April and lost 2 inches off my waist which was my goal but found the diet too restrictive so am slowely getting into low carb but am concerned I'll gain the wieght back. So if I eat enough carbs to not be in a ketogenic state, but not much more than that, thanwhat happens after my body's used up all the energy from the consumed carbs? Will it then seek fuel from stored fat again - does this mean you could be in and out of keto daily?
Is low carb enough to maintain weight levels? The guy in that Fat Head movie that proved you can eat McDonald's and not gain weight simply limited carbs by not getting the fires or soft drink - most likely doing low carb but not keto since the burgers average 50gs+ of carbs.
I'm not strict keto and have stuck with limiting carbs for over a decade. My weight has pretty much stayed the same. So I don't think you'll gain weight going off keto and moving out of ketosis and sticking to low carb foods.
Thanks for the reply. What's most confusing is that keto introduced many low-carb but high fat, and therefore, caloric foods. So for instance, before keto, I drank black coffee. On keto I switch to full fat cream and I really like it so I'm still drinking coffee with full fat cream but that means I'm consuming about 5 times the amount of calories I would with my coffee. In ketosis it doesn't matter because that fat is used up directly as fuel for the day, but if I'm not in ketosis should I switch back to black and start counting calories again?
I haven't seen a difference with calories as long as I'm sticking to low carb foods regardless if I'm in ketosis or not. Most people feel that calorie counting is unnecessary but you certainly don't want to overeat. Eat only until full.
Thank you for your recipes and knowledge! My husband and I have been doing Keto for almost a year now.
I have lost about 14lbs and he about 17lbs. I would like to lose about 5 more but it doesn't seem to be happening and I wonder what your thoughts are about the Ketogenic diet not working after a certain length of time?
We both exercise and lift weights too. Also what about Cyclical Keto? I have heard that helps you to continue to lose weight.
Thanks again!
I've found that there are a lot of different reasons why those remaining pounds are so difficult to come off. What works for some doesn't work for others. So it's best to try different methods. The thing that works best for me is to eliminate inflammatory foods and follow what's known as an AIP (autoimmune protocol) diet.
Jane Ritchuk
I have been following a fairly strict Keto diet for the last 4 months. 20g total carbs and have lost 17 lbs and feels so much better. Unfortunately, the way of eating has also given me out of control digestion problems, gas, bloating and serious runs. I am going to back off the Keto and add a few more carbs and hope it helps my tummy and that I can still lose a bit more weight. Another 10 would be perfect.
You may have a food sensitivity to something you are eating like dairy. Have you tried eliminating certain foods to see if it helps?
This happened to me too.. it was coconut oil that was causing it and many hv said the same on net.. just avoid coconut and mct oils.. u will be fine
Fats are natural laxatives and they are much more effective for regular bowel movements than fiber.
Are you consuming anything sweetened with sugar alcohols? I was feeling really good, then I suddenly has a bout with gas, cramping and loose stools. I looked at what I'd eaten and it turned out that it was the protein bar I'd eaten. Stayed away from them, I was fine. Tried again, same reaction.
Kristy Whittington
This happened to a friend of mine after being in Ketosis for about 2 months. She started taking a probiotic and it solved her issues. I started taking a probiotic prior to starting Keto, about 4 months ago, and I avoided the issues. It might be worth looking into.
Watch out for sugar alcohols which cause those symptoms in some people
Lisa MarcAurele
Agree! I've found that sugar alcohols and fiber sweeteners do set me back.
I have been trying to do keto for quite awhile..but, it's not making alot of sense..I have downloaded a few apps to help..still not making sense...if there's fiber in a food and equal amounts of carbs, theoretically, the fiber should cancel out the carbs, both apps I have, don't cancel the, it's confusing me..still trying to make sense of it all..
Some apps let you track net carbs if you are looking to cancel out the fiber carbs. However, some fibers bother me in other ways (bloating and gas) so I don't like to use net carbs.
Cindi Everett
I do low carb. Not Keto. I've lost over 50lbs. I do exercise about 4 days a week. I'm no longer type 2 diabetic. My husband also eats the same types of food I do. My daughter eats low carb and has lost over 100lbs. She is now applying it to the rest of her family.
Awesome! I agree that you really don't need to be as strict as keto for successful weight loss.
Please share more info., e.g., starting weight, amount of time you exercise and what intensity; how many carbs/day and do you count net carbs? I started keto in April and did well (lost 12 lbs.), except I had some mood issues at first. I really struggle to stay in keto and I just don’t think I can long term. I can definitely stay around 50-75 carbs but not 20. I have maintained what I lost, but I can’t seem to lose any more. I take 1,000 mg. Metformin daily, weigh 163 and am 5’4”. I really want to lose at least 10-15 more pounds. Maybe I can if I do what you’re doing.
You're not losing because you're not in ketosis, the body is burning the extra carbs you eat and because you're not eating enough you might feel lethargic. I'm a guy, I started at 145kg am now at 139kg after two-three weeks, zero exercise, occasional lifting dumbells once a week if that, rest of the time sitting in a chair, never go out and it just keeps dropping. I had 2 days where I felt terrible too, didn't stop me. You can deff. stay at -20 carbs unless you're vegan then it would be much harder I think. Most of the time for me it's fish, lean meats, all kinds of cheese although I try to eat mozarela mostly, green veggies and low carb bread. In the morning I usually have low x2 carb bread slices (3.7g each) on toast with butter and a slice of cheese, coffee with stevia and milk. For sweet I eat dark choc and whipped cream with stevia and sometimes dark choc on its own, 65/75+ ones, delicious. I have some low carb choc spread too. For snacks I gobble down peanuts mostly, occasional bag of crisp and an ice cream lolly at about 5-10 carbs each, you always have to keep an eye on it and work it out. If you eat 18 grams of high carb in the morning then you have to restrict it later in the day by eating idk meat, eggs and cheese.
I'll treat my self to a cheese cake occasionally too. It works for me so far. My brother got me on this diet, the first week I told him I don't know if I can do this and he basically said carry on as you were then and nothing will change and there really is no other way, either you want to lose weight or you don't and it's not like you're suffering or anything so don't give up. Find a replacement for everything that you miss one by one and soon you will get used to it and you won't even think about eating any of that junk anymore and if you really do then treat yourself occasionally but just don't give up.
Lisa MarcAurele
Thanks for sharing your experience getting started!
I have lost 37lbs on Keto and I exercise daily. I have trouble finding a low carb bread recipe that is tasty and satisfying. Also breakfast is a problem finding satisfying substitute for eggs. I want to stay with for weight control and A1c levels. Thanks for your ideas.
Take a look at these eggless breakfast ideas. For low carb bread, take a look at the Soul Bread recipe.
Also if you want to loose weight and maintain your weight try to eat less and move more.
That does usually help, although many have been successful on keto without exercise. For those who are very overweight, it can be difficult for them to do much until some of the weight comes off.
I've lost 35# in 5 months without exercise. I feel so much better, but knees don't hurt from the extra weight, I have fibromyalgia (have had 45+yrs) and 10 months off all pain medication. Eating to protect the body is amazing. An it's so easy?
That's awesome Sak! You've done an amazing job.
Yvonne Davison
I so want those results for the exact same reasons . I am not sure how to ensure I am in the right macros … frying using coconut oil (which I really don't like preparing food in that way), don't mind drizzling oil on food but so don't get these macros. I don't expend a lot of energy throughout the day so eat only twice a day (basically after bulletproof coffee not hungry til around 2/3:00 pm) and an early evening final meal. So basically I guess I'm doing I.F. but not losing like I think I should considering I'm 5'4" at 305 lbs in the extremely obese IBM category. I am having real difficulty cause I don't know what I'm doing wrong even though I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Lisa MarcAurele
I find that eating less helps if you aren't burning a lot during the day. And you want to make sure you don't overdo the fat since it is very calorie dense.
I just eat normal human food and exercise daily to maintain perfect type1 control. I have perfect health, normal weight, and zero diabetic complications after 41 years of type1 thanks to ADA diet.